Friday, April 1, 2011

The Big Pond Re-Build

PondI had been anticipating this day since we moved into the house.  The existing pond was nice, but I thought I could get it just the way I wanted it.  Luckily, my best friend happend to work at a landscape supply house, that also stocked watergarden equipment.  One particular brand they decided they would no longer stock and sold off the remaining inventory at their cost.  I was able to snag a bio-falls filter, skimmer, Tsurumi 3200 GPH pump, liner, and all the plumbing from them.

I dont know how the previous owner was able to dig this out.  We are on a solid limestone cliff.  Below you can see the old liner.  All of the edges are solid rock!

Craig and I running the plumbing.  Baxter decided to watch.

Craig showing off his manifold plumbing job.  This valve will control the water flow between the bio-falls and a decorative pot waterfall.

Riley and Baxter chilling out in the shade.

Ady woke up from a nap and wanted to help us.  The pond is deeper than she is tall!  You can see the valve box and decorative waterfall pot we will be using.

5 o'clock = beer o'clock!


EPDM fish safe rubber liner.  This should last 30-40 years at least!

The start of the stream.

Rocking it in.

Craig taking a break.

Finally filled up.

Here is the final pond after it has set overnight.  The water is still murkey, but should clear in the next few days.

Below is the pond as of October 5th 2011.  The plants have filled in nicely and everything seems more settled.  It almost gives the impression that the pond has been there forever.